Mother My World (2019)

February 20, 2019

Mother My World

Mother My World
The first word of our life is a mom when a baby born the first word he/she speaks is a mom.
Mother, itself has a sweetness we don't want to specify.
We all love our parents but when it comes to problems we always go to our mother first because we know no one will understand our problem better than mom so we always go to mother.
We always respect our parents because if they are not there so we are not here. So don't follow or do anything which hurts your parents.
Mom - Friends, life is not possible without a mother, a mother who renounces her every pleasure and only lives only for her child.

The word is too small to say mother but the depth of this word is a measure
Can not. We do not have anything to bend to the world but every person has his own
Everything happens to a mother, a woman, her life, her children, her family
Dedicate to him and in return not only ask for anything but love, he is just a mother
Maybe a mother's heart only so big.

Some Few Words To Mother:

From the ashes
If the eyes were my mother, would you say
Give it
To be happy every day
Mother was smiling
It's a late night
Reaching home
When the mother was there, she reached home by the time
He has not been smiling for several days
If not all the compulsion
Mother ... come home ... mother ... come home..mother

A Poem Dedicated To Mother:

 Mother knows everything
You know more than yourself,
She tries to hide you,
He knows all your sorrows and sorrows. ... 1

You wake up and sleep by yourself,

You cringe yourself and laugh,
But it remains itself, but
Always plays with you,
Mother knows everything …2

When you hurt, you can mother,

When you make a mistake, you understand, mother,
You are the only mother,
When your eyes are wet with tears,
So give her aunt, mother,
The mother knows everything ... 3

All his prayers are confessed,

She is a flower of Worship,
Perhaps only then comes up from God, mother,
Mother is called a true friend,
You do not have a moment for a fur, even for him
Every moment of her life is for you,
Mother knows everything ... 4

But today I am away,

I am forced by myself,
I am confused, in the journey of life,
I am walking in the dream of your dreams,
Wish you to keep happy,
I know that you know everything.

Another poem for Mother:

Creeps with creeps,
When standing on the feet
In the mood of your motherhood,
When did I grow up?
Art hinges milk cream,
Even today everything is Vesa.
I am in the same place everywhere,
Love how are you

Straightforward naïve,
I am the best at
How much should be a too big

mother! I am your child today.

Conclusion: I hope you like it. Always remember your parents and love them as much as you can respect them. Blessings of parents to us always help us to success in our lives. So respect your parents and spent time with your family.

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